7 Bathroom Remodeling Tips to Help You Achieve Impressive Results

Transform Your Space with These Simple Yet Effective Bathroom Upgrades!

Having made the decision to remodel your bathroom, the question that then follows is exactly what measures you need to take so as to achieve impressive results. That is the question we set out to address here. We will do so by offering some handy tips you can implement in the course of a bathroom remodeling project, in order to make it a success.

Thus, whether you are remodeling with a view to improve the bathroom’s functionality, or with the objective of enhancing the bathroom’s aesthetic appeal, you will find these 7 practical tips highly helpful:

1. Consider changing the bathroom’s flooring

By picking the right type of flooring, you can enhance both the bathroom’s appearance and functionality. So, what you really need to do is check the existing flooring, and ask yourself how appropriate it is. Then you may replace it with something that looks (and works) better.

In the final analysis, materials that may be ideal for use, when it comes to bathroom flooring, would include the likes of vinyl, ceramic, and porcelain tiles. Conversely, materials that would be utterly inappropriate for bathroom flooring would be the likes of solid wood, linoleum tiles, and carpet.

2. Use light colors to make the bathroom look and feel bigger

It is a well-established fact that dark colors have a tendency to make the rooms in which they are used feel and look smaller. Conversely, light colors tend to make the rooms in which they are used look and feel larger.

This is a fact you can use in your bathroom remodeling project: by applying light colors (such as white and those that are on the off-white spectrum), to make an otherwise tiny bathroom look/feel bigger.

3. Deploy mirrors to make the bathroom feel even bigger

Another way in which you can make the bathroom feel and look bigger is through the use of mirrors. Mirrors also help you in making the bathroom look well-lit.

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Therefore, one simple but highly impactful step you can take in the course of your bathroom remodeling project is that of installing more mirrors. The primary/default mirror that is typically to be found on the sink side is usually inadequate. What may serve you better are the mirrors that span the whole wall of the bathroom.

4. Use sconces to increase the lighting in the bathroom

Often, we find that the lighting that comes into the bathroom through the ceiling fixture is not really adequate. The challenge that then arises is that of improving the lighting without making it overwhelming.

And as it turns out, the most practical way to do this would be through the use of sconces – which can be very easily mounted on the bathroom’s walls.

5. Deploy plants to make the bathroom more colorful

People tend to think that plants should only be used in the ‘public’ rooms – such as the living room, dining room, and library. However, the bathroom is also an appropriate place for placement of plants.

Not only will the plants make the bathroom more colorful, but they will also help in functional aspects such as absorbing extra moisture, purifying the air, and even in getting rid of bacteria! Ideal species for use in the bathroom would include the likes of snake and ZZ plants as well as peace lilies and Boston ferns.

6. Install a bathroom exhaust fan to improve ventilation

The primary mode of ventilation in a bathroom is typically through the window. But it so often happens that the provided window is too small to offer adequate ventilation. Yet the scope of the typical remodeling project also doesn’t allow for increasing the bathroom window size.

And in any event, having too big a bathroom window would possibly compromise the feeling of privacy in the bathroom… The way around all this is through the use of a bathroom exhaust fan. Just ensure that it has adequate capacity.

7. Install more hooks in the bathroom

People often have the need to hang things (from clothes to bathrobes and onto towels) inside the bathroom. Therefore, one very simple way in which you can enhance the functionality of the bathroom would be by installing more hooks.

The back of the bathroom door is one space that can accommodate several hooks for hanging things. The walls of the bathroom too can hold several hooks. Just ensure that the actual hooks installed look elegant.

What is worth noting about the tips we have given here is that they don’t cost much money to implement. Yet if you act on them in the course of a bathroom remodeling project, you are likely to end up with highly impressive results. Thus, whenever you want to improve the bathroom’s aesthetic appeal or its functionality, those are some of the key things you can do.

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