Getting Rid of Lizards: 7 Things That Can Really Help

It can be quite unnerving to realize that lizards have invited themselves into your home. Although these creatures are not exactly harmful, most of us find them creepy and generally unpleasant to have around. So faced with that sort of reptilian invasion, you are likely to be keen on knowing what you can do to get rid of them. Here are some 7 things that can really help, when it comes to ridding your home of lizards:

1. Vinegar

It is likely that you have some vinegar in our house. This can really help you in getting rid of lizards. That is because lizards can’t stand the smell of it. So you just dilute the vinegar with water, then spray it around your home (especially around the areas where the lizards are likely to enter). This will go a long way towards deterring them.

2. Mothballs

Mothballs don’t cost a lot of money. Yet their scent can be very effective at keeping lizards at bay. Just identify the spots within your house where the lizards seem to prefer lurking, and place mothballs (that is, naphthalene balls) there. Then you will probably not find the lizards there the next time.

As a bonus benefit, the mothballs will also tend to deter some of the other pests that the lizards view as food. So using mothballs, you fight the lizards from two angles. First is where the mothballs directly repel the lizards. And second is where the mothballs repel the other pests that are food for lizards, and whose presence would tend to attract the lizards.

3. Keeping a cat

Lizards don’t like staying in houses where cats are kept. They view the cats as potential predators. Therefore if you have a particularly big lizard problem, you can consider acquiring a cat. Not only will the presence of the cat drive the lizards away, but the cat can also help in repelling other potentially more harmful reptiles like snakes and of course in catching mice. Note that even if the cat won’t dare to confront the lizards, just the presence of it is often enough to deter the lizards from entering/staying in your home.

4. Installing mirrors (or just leaving CDS lying around)

It has been observed that lizards don’t like being in spaces where there are reflective surfaces. Therefore having mirrors, or just leaving CDs lying around, can go a long way towards getting rid of lizards. These may work best if installed in the areas where you have often spotted the lizards lurking around.

5. Allium veggies

The allium veggies in question here are garlic and onions. Lizards can’t stand the strong smell that onions and garlic have. Therefore cutting up the onion/garlic, putting it in a bottle of water, then spraying the resultant solution around the house can really help in getting rid of lizards.

6. Coffee grounds

There are two things that make coffee grounds very unpleasant to lizards. First is their strong smell, which the lizards tend to find intolerable. And second is their texture. Thus if you spread the coffee ground around your home, especially in the places where lizards have tended to lurk (as well as their potential entry points), it can go a long way towards getting rid of lizards.

7. Pepper

The idea here is to obtain some pepper spray, then actually apply it in the areas where you have tended to find the lizards lurking. Also, apply it in the points you recognize as the potential entry points for the lizards. The lizards find the pepper irritating and won’t continue staying in a space where there is plenty of it sprayed around.

Final Words

On top of those 7 things, you also need to make your home uninviting to the small insects that lizards tend to feed on. They won’t stay around if there is nothing for them to eat within the space. Also ensure that there are no potential sources of water (things like stagnant pools, leaking faucets, and so on) in your home. Go further and turn your fan on often (and use the dehumidifier often if you have one) so as to create dry air conditions that the lizards dislike so strongly.

So there you have them: the 7 things that can really help you in getting rid of lizards. All you need to do is use one of these – or a combination of them – and in due course, you are likely to start seeing less of the lizards in/around your home.

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