10 Most Common Bedroom Design Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Don’t let your money and time be wasted!

Are you searching for designing a perfect bedroom with an ideal atmosphere for yourself? In that case, you should take into account several things including bedroom design mistakes.

Because, you know, we tend to make mistakes most often! Especially when we are doing serious work like designing bedrooms. This article will certainly help you save money and time by giving you the knowledge to avoid mistakes we tend to make. So, let’s start the proceedings.

1. The Bed is Too Large

Large beds are so much temptation to have. It gives a sense of luxury in the bedroom, but remember, a bed that’s too big will leave you with a lack of space to move in your bedroom.

Having a large bed will make you don’t have enough room for many other necessary items in the bedroom like a closet, storage area or even a place to sit.

If you are still searching for a bed, you must carefully consider the bed size and have passageways to either side of the bed; these passageways should be comfortable to wake.

It would help if you were realistic about every inch you measure and the best use for it. So, take the measurement carefully and place it on paper first before deciding to buy the bed or not.

We will recommend a large bed if you have a big room. However, it’s all about dimensions and measurements to consider to avoid bedroom design mistakes.

2. The Space Doesn’t Flow

Your bedroom may be a sharing with another person, meaning your bedroom needs to have a flow as two people are moving in the same area. As one of those two, you will know exactly what the high-traffic areas are.

In addition, you both use the wardrobe simultaneously, so you need more free space around it to wear freely. Also, if someone opens the closet or any storage area while the other is moving may create traffic.

The most effective and fastest solution is to get a sliding-door wardrobe and any storage place in the bedroom so when one moves, he doesn’t bother the other.

3. There Isn’t Enough Storage for Cloth

It is important to have enough space in the wardrobe to use as storage for your shoes, clothes, and bags. Most often, we end up with less space to keep necessary things in our bedroom.

Check the amount of clothing you have and need to store. Then, sort your clothes like how many shoes, bags and jackets you have, which will help you decide the perfect storage you need and how to keep things in it.

Thus, it will be easy for you to choose the best wardrobe furniture that suits your needs.

4. There Aren’t Enough Plug Sockets

One of the most common bedroom design mistakes you will face is that the room may have only one socket in a rare location. It might not be suitable for you to charge your mobile or any other gadgets.

If you are still working on electrical wires and other electrical stuff in your room or home, list all gadgets you’ll regularly plugin and ensure you will have no issues.

5. You Have Played Too Safe

Having a peaceful bedroom doesn’t mean you don’t put some of your characters into it. On the contrary, placing some of your personality in your bedroom will give her a glimpse of you.

If your room is pale, you need to add some interest. You need to put some statement that suits you and your personality.

You may depend on putting some wooden decoration in the room, or crystal and shiny accessories in their room.

6. The Lighting Is Too Stark

One of the harmless bedroom design mistakes that makes your room look cheap and downgrade is that you depend on one bright and generalized lighting in the bedroom.

Depending on only one light source will make up the room and end up looking stark and bare.

You can depend on several things to solve this problem; all of them can work together, or you can mix and match more than one.

You may also read: Pros & Cons of Rcessed Lights

For instance, you can use beside lamps, multiple wall lights, and hidden LEDs, although wall lamps need to be installed. Other types come with a socket to put in the electricity immediately.

An important point to note here, you need to depend on LEDs and warm-toned bulbs for a peaceful feel.

7. There Is Nowhere to Sit

We know your bedroom is not the living room. But you do need a place to sit in and read a book or to have a spot to sit while getting dressed. That is where bedroom design mistakes come alive.

In this case, you can depend on an armchair at any corner of the room or end-of-the-bed ottoman chess; it’s super chick and doesn’t take up much space.

8. The Wall’s Colour Is Vibrating & Energetic

As industry experts, we see many people making these bedroom design mistakes, affecting their sleeping routine. They paint the walls in the bedroom with energetic colours like red, bright yellow and neon green.

Those colours are designed to alert you, so having them in your bedroom is not an exact solution for having a good night’s sleep. It would help if you painted the walls a colour that makes you feel relaxed and cosy.

Examples of colours that make an excellent choice for the bedroom are lavender, terracotta, slate blue, royal purple, modern grey, light green and yellow mustard.

Of course, you can use a whole bunch of colours, but those are the most used in the bedrooms.

9. Forget about the Artwork

A lot of people give a lot of attention to their living and dining room perhaps because it’s a public space, you know. But they forget to spend some time thinking about the artwork they should put in the bedroom as well.

You have to sleep every night and wake up in the room. So, why not make the wake-up view in a room with some art hanging on the wall? It will make a luxurious look.

It’s a rule that the safest wall to put artwork on is the one above the bed or the wall opposite the bed. Abstract artwork with calming shades or tomes is the best artwork that matches the bedroom atmosphere.

10. Choosing the Wrong Rug

It seems to be something many people don’t think so much about and thus make bedroom design mistakes. They buy their favourite rug without considering its size regarding the bed size and furniture.

Suppose you have a big room, so the bedroom rug that will suit you ideally will extend at least two feet beyond the end of the bed. Add another foot if you have a bench at the end of the bed.

The other option that may cost you less is to get a runner on the side of your bed if the rug isn’t big enough.

Although if you have multiple areas in your room, don’t use one large rug. You can use several rugs to set apart those areas.

Final Words on Bedroom Design Mistakes

If you want to make sure that you have an elegantly designed bedroom to sleep in, make sure that you don’t make those bedroom design mistakes.

Creating the ideal bedroom doesn’t require hard work, but you can do it smartly by taking other experiences and building on them.

By knowing what’s working and what’s not, you save money and time that could be invested in something better in your home improvement.

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