Why You Should Always Wash New Clothes

Uncover the Risks of Wearing New Clothes Without Washing and Learn How to Keep Your Wardrobe Safe and Fresh

It is, of course, always a pleasure to put on something fabulous, which is new. They are freshly purchased and full of their own charm. You probably thought not washing before wearing them was advisable, but that is not the best course of action either. Now, it will be interesting to discuss the importance of washing your newly bought clothes and how this can be done.

Why Should You Wash New Clothes?

New clothes often carry hidden risks that can affect your skin and overall health. Let us have a look, at why washing new clothes is essential and how to do it effectively.

  • Harsh Chemicals in the Fabric

Clothes that adorn new looks are usually treated with chemicals so as to continue looking that new look on the shelves. These are such as urea formaldehyde all of which pose a threat to the health of humans who are in close contact with them. This helps prevent wrinkles and reduces the risk of mildew forming on the fabric.

  • Allergic Reactions

New clothes can be troublesome if, for instance, you are a sensitive skin person. Most of synthetic clothes, such as polyester, are colored with a group of chemicals referred to as azo-aniline dyes. These dyes can bring reactions such as skin rash amongst people especially those with sensitive skin.

  • Germs from Store

Many people do not know that before the clothes finally get to your closet, they undergo a lot of processes. Used from the factory, and at times displayed in stores, and may have been tried on by other customers. During all these activities, they can accumulate germs, bacteria, and even before you know it, small insects.

How to Wash Your New Clothes the Right Way

Now that we know the reason why washing new clothes is important. Let us tell you how you can wash your new clothes in the right way.

Read the Care Label

When you are done with your new clothes make sure you check on the label to know how to wash them. This might seem trivial, but this label contains all the information you need to take care of that piece of garment. It will inform you on which water temperature to use. Whether to hand wash or wash in a machine and any other advice about the garment.

Wash Separately First

Some new clothes should be washed separately, especially the first time when you are washing them. This helps to avoid the situation whereby when you wash your clothes the dye stains other clothes. Generally, wash the item separately. If you realize that the water used to rinse has a similar color as that of the first wash, repeat the process until the water is clear.

Use a Gentle Detergent

If people in your household have sensitive skin, then it is advisable to use a soft detergent that does not contain perfumes. Small everyday cleaning agents may have strong chemical content and dyes or artificial perfumes. These may cause rashes to your skin and therefore by choosing something that is a little mild you will note a big difference.

Special Care for Baby Clothes

Newborns have very delicate skin and therefore require their clothes to be washed before they put them on the baby. This way, they are very particular with the mild detergent that they use to wash their clothes so that they will not be irritated. Besides, washing baby clothes changes the texture of the clothes to make them softer to wear by your little one.

The Bottom Line

So, washing new clothes is not just to make them clean and shiny but this important practice should not be overlooked. You can do this by sparing some time to wash your clothes before wearing them when you have bought a new one or a set of new clothes. You will be sure that you have minimized contact with chemicals, dust microbial agents, or other pathogens that cause diseases.

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