5 Good Reasons to Avoid Drying Your Clothing Items Outside

Unpredictable Conditions That Ruin Your Clothes!

One of the ways in which you can dry your clothing items after washing is by hanging them outdoors. In this case, it is heat from the sun, as well as the blowing wind, that dries the clothes. It is doubtlessly the most natural way to dry clothes. It can also help you in lowering your energy costs – in terms of the power you’d otherwise have used up in running the dryer.

On another note, drying your clothing items outside might help in keeping them fresh and odor-free. But notwithstanding all these positive aspects of drying your clothing items outside, there is also a downside to it. We now proceed to look at some 5 reasons as to why drying your clothing items outside may not be a good idea after all:

1. There is a risk of the clothing items being stained by animals and insects

This is for instance with regard to birds that may drop their waste on the clothing items. The end result can be stains (including those stubborn berry stains) that are extremely hard to get rid of.

2. The clothing items may get dirtied by dust blown up by the wind

It happens often enough that people who opt to dry their clothing items outside find them having been dirtied by dust that is blown by the wind. The end result may be a situation where you find the said clothes being dirtier than they were when you had washed them before taking them outside to dry. There is also the possibility of the clothing items being blown by the wind, and taken to areas where they end up picking a great deal of dirt.

3. The clothes may pick allergens and pollutants

The allergens in question here include things like pollen – which clothes hanging outside are bound to come into contact with. This can be a major issue for people who suffer from autoimmune conditions (such as asthma) as well as those whose immune systems happen to be weak.

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In terms of pollutants, we are looking at things like smoke from factories and cars – which are not the sorts of things one would ideally like to put their clothes into contact with.

4. Drying the clothing items outside may be against local bylaws

There are places where local authorities and neighborhood associations come up with bylaws that are against drying clothes outside. Usually, they argue that the clothing lines are unsightly, or that the presence of such clothing lines may lower property prices.

Thus it is important for you to seek to understand whether or not the area you live in has such bylaws in place. In case there are any such laws, it would be yet another cogent reason for you not to dry clothes outside: because doing so would put you at risk of being heavily fined.

5. The clothes may end up fading badly

It is a well-known fact that harsh sun can have the effect of making clothes fade. Therefore, if you opt to dry your clothing items outside, this is a risk you need to be aware of. And it is a big deal – because it can make clothes that were acquired at a high price look very cheap. At worst, it may lead to a situation where some clothing items become unwearable on account of the fading effect.

So those are the key reasons for you to reconsider drying your clothing items outside. When you come to think of it, you realize that the risks that come with drying clothes outside may outweigh whatever benefits you are seeking to tap into by doing so.

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